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Prevent firms from taking advantage of you.

Undisclosed commissions and irresponsible lending are just two ways in which businesses have exploited consumers. Individually, it's nearly impossible for people to hold these businesses accountable due to the financial burden of legal action.

At Justizia, we specialise in handling a wide range of claims collectively because we believe in the power of unity. The high costs of pursuing justice alone can be overwhelming, especially now that support is harder to access. By combining cases, we create a stronger force to tackle these issues, improving the chances of achieving justice for everyone involved. We're here to fill the gap and ensure that those who have been wronged have a fighting chance.

Pension Claims
Pension Claims

Have you, with financial advice, transferred a pension or investment after 2013

Have you lost money? 

If you've been affected by the UK's pension misselling scandal, we can help.

Mis-sold investments
Mis-sold investments

Have you invested in properties like student accommodation or buy-to-lets with guaranteed rental yields?

Did your conveyancing solicitors fail to warn you about investment risks? 

Do you believe you have suffered a loss as a result of the above investment ? 

Irresponsible Lending
Irresponsible Lending

Our free checks will establish if you have fallen victim to undisclosed commissions and/or other irresponsible lending practices.

If you have signed up for a store or credit card or taken out a loan - short (such as pay day loan) or longer term (secured or unsecured loan or mortgage)?


It only takes a minute to check if you could be owed thousands. Commission taken on PPI was often in excess of 70% of the premiums.

The Plevin ruling allows anyone who was charged excessive commission which was not disclosed to them to bring forward a claim for repayment of all premiums and interest.

Packaged Bank Accounts
Packaged Bank Accounts

Have You Ever Paid A Monthly Fee For Your Bank Account?

It is now widely recognised that these ‘packaged bank accounts’ have been mis-sold and you could be eligible to reclaim the premiums you have paid plus interest.

Car Finance
Car Finance

Approximately 8 out of 10 cars bought through car loans and Personal Contract Purchase (PCP) have been overcharged so dealers can pocket more commission.

If you've financed a car through PCP or a car loan, you might've paid more than you should've. We can help you claim back thousands of pounds.

Payday Loans
Payday Loans

Payday loans have been widely mis-sold, causing individuals to fall into a financial trap.

If you have ever taken out a Payday Loan, then you could be entitled to compensation.

We have 3 simple promises for you