Housing Disrepair

At Justizia, we believe everyone deserves to live in a safe and comfortable home, whether you're a housing association or social housing tenant. Landlords are required by law to maintain their properties to a reasonable standard. But if your landlord neglects their duty and leaves your home in an unacceptable condition, you shouldn't have to bear the consequences alone.

If you find yourself in this situation, you might be eligible to seek compensation for housing disrepair. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at Justizia. We're here to help you understand your rights and navigate the process of securing the compensation you deserve.

Social Housing Disrepair Explained

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Understanding your rights as a social housing tenant is super important.

According to the 1985 Landlord Tenant Act, your landlord has to keep your place in good condition. Basically, it means your home should be safe and comfortable to live in. Your rental agreement will lay out what you and your landlord are responsible for. But as a social housing tenant, you've got some specific rights too, like:

  • Living in Your Home:

If you're renting a place, you have the right to stay there for as long as your lease says. You should be able to live there without any problems that could hurt you or your family.

  • Living in a Safe Home:

If you're in social housing and your place isn't up to scratch, you can ask your landlord to make repairs and they should sort it out within a reasonable timeframe.

  • Taking Action:

If your landlord doesn't fix things like they should, you have the right to take action. Thanks to the Fitness for Human Habitation Act 2018, you can file a claim to improve your living conditions. This law gives you the power to take legal action if your home is unsafe or in a bad state.

How Much Compensation Can You Get?

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If you’re a social housing tenant needing help, our expert housing solicitors will ensure your landlord handles all necessary repairs. We’ll also seek compensation on your behalf for living in poor conditions after complaining to your landlord about the issues you face with the rented property. If you claim housing disrepair compensation, the amount you could get depends on how long your landlord or housing association take to complete necessary repairs according to the appropriate standards. Tenants must have a record of complaints to their landlord and housing associations for their claims to be successful.

Repair time isn’t the only factor influencing monetary compensation for a housing disrepair claim. Claim compensation also depends on the following factors:

  • The Extent of Disrepair:

One of the major contributors to monetary compensation amounts for this type of claim is the severity of the disrepair. Serious issues that impact your quality of life, health, and wellness could lead to higher compensation.

  • Health Issues:

A housing disrepair claim could also be a personal injury claim if the problems within the building result in health problems. For example, breathing problems or respiratory distress from unchecked mould growth in your home could result in higher compensation.

  • Financial Losses:

Depending on the type and extent of your housing disrepair situation, you might seek temporary housing or pay more in monthly utilities. The courts will consider your extra expenses to compensate for your landlord’s shortcomings. However, rent arrears could negatively impact your compensation.

Housing disrepair cases may be similar but never identical. Results may vary.

How Long Will Your Housing Disrepair Claim Take?

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The duration of a housing disrepair claim will vary case-by-case. Typically, the claims can take a few months to more than a year to conclude, but it depends on the severity and complexity of the situation.

Your case might require expert evidence from an environmental health officer or another professional to establish the severity of your housing situation. Landlords and their representatives sometimes lack responsiveness and will delay repairs, which adds to the claim’s timeline. The duration can increase if court action is necessary to resolve the issue.

Though the hope is that the landlord immediately makes repairs and agrees to a fair settlement amount, that doesn’t always happen, nonetheless, you can expect your housing disrepair solicitors to be at your side during the entire process.

Don’t settle for an unhabitable rental property. At Justizia, we have years of experience helping tenants with housing disrepair claims.

If you’re experiencing difficulties with your health, wellness, or safety due to any of the above problems, our legal team may be able to help. Our law firm believes in providing comprehensive services and legal insight that lessens the emotional, financial, and mental burdens on our clients.

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